Colour/black and white digital contact/photo analysis

This is the digital practice shoot for this glass themed film project. These pictures were some ideas that I had planned for the film photos. I liked the fact that I got to practice taking photos of glass so that I could test out some stuff and experiment a bit. I tried out different techniques such as, lighting, composition, depth of field and to see what would look good using different glass objects. Another reason why I think that it was a good idea to take digital photos as a practice was that I can take more photos for digital because I don't run out of photos to take whereas on film there is usually only 36 photos that can be taken. I mainly used perfume bottles for this because I liked how the different shapes and colours looked on them.

In my opinion, this was the best photo from this shoot. I used depth of field with this photo and I like how that looks because the subject is really sharp and the rest of the photo is out of focus which was my intention. I used a macro lens which is intended to take photos of small objects and to be able to see the details of the subject when it is an up close shot and I think that worked with this ornament. I took photos with the black and white film with this ornament but they were under exposed which is a shame because I would have liked the effect film would have given to this photo and I probably would have used it as one of my final images if it had turned out.

This another photo from the shoot that I think turned out well. I took the photo in a portrait format which looks best with vertical objects, it is easier to look at and wouldn't look as good in a landscape format. I also used depth of field on this one too because I think it looks best when there is a small subject.

I like this photo as well because of the details on the perfume bottle on the left. I used depth of field on this one too because I had used two perfume bottles and I wanted the one on the right to be out of focus to give it that effect as it has smaller details.

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